The Game of Life

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Discussion part deux

You all gave us some great ideas when we asked for feedback. As a follow up to that, we have two questions for now. We'll probably have more later - can't ask too many at once anyways.
  1. Someone mentioned wanting to see the town meeting where Logan was interrogated to see if he was suitable for Rory (it was mentioned in Ch. 5). Do any of you have ideas for questions the town could ask Logan during the interrogation. It seems like a good idea to add, but we can't come up with that many good questions.
  2. Another person mentioned that they missed Rory and Logan having random conversations and banter like we had earlier in the story. Does anyone have a topic you think would be interesting for them to discuss in length? I mean we had Rory and Finn discusss central american politics randomly so really anything you'd be interesting in seeing would be appreciated.

Thanks for all your help. You'd be surprised how much feedback helps. Sometimes you make a suggestion and we read it and it sparks a thought from one of us that makes it in the story even.


  • At 9:12 PM, February 11, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    i'm kinda ok without the whole down meeting scene. i dunno, maybe that's just me

  • At 2:54 PM, February 12, 2007, Blogger charlotte said…

    i miss their banter, too. maybe about school related stuff, books, or art?

  • At 5:59 PM, February 12, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think the banter can be about anything really. But I think it'll be better if it was totally random like the fall of the Qing Dynasty, or why is there an I before E rule but why does it have to be except after C, or why is Cinderella named Cinderella, or something about politic those are always cute it can be the chances of Nancy Poloci becoming President or it can be if Hilary Clinton becomes president is Bill Clinton going to be the Gentlemen, I don't know I just have some random ideas.

  • At 4:47 PM, February 13, 2007, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I think it can be about anything. Some quirkly litle fact related to one of the stories that Rory is working on, or maybe something to do with all the various traditions there are that go with weddings/showers/rehearsals etc and how they differ from culture to culture.


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