The Game of Life

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Ch. 36 Are Those Stippers?...

...has been posted. Thank you for bearing with us though this huge lag time.

You can read the chapter here:

I'll be coming back to the blog in the next few days to post a couple links to some of the stuff that was mentioned in the chapter. If there are any specific things you have questions about or would like to see links to, let me know!

Saturday, May 10, 2008


Hi Everyone,

I know that it' been ages since either of us have posted anything, but I swore that I would never post a status update on the blog again after all the downright nasty things that people began leaving us in the comments. However, I began to feel bad about that. So here's the deal. I am posting this message and have changed the access to who is allowed to post a comment - anonymous users can no longer post. If the comments still get mean, I'll stop giving updates on new chapters in progress. To those of you who wrote encouraging words and sent us private messages or reviews - THANK YOU! I tried to respond to most of you, but if I missed you, I'm really sorry!

We both apologize for the huge lag time in the update, but you all have to understand that our jobs (aka. making money to live) is a bit more important that writing something that we get nothing from (besides enjoyment) so when we have to work weekends instead of writing or editing, so be it. However, we've recently gotten into a much better pattern of writing and hope that after this chapter, the rest will follow along shortly (closer to the lag between updates that you expected in the past). I know chapter 37 is one of the chapters we're most looking forward too so that should give you some hope that after 36, the next is coming quickly.