The Game of Life

Monday, January 22, 2007


I thought I'd ask a few questions and get some of your opinions on the story. If you'd prefer that I set up a discussion forum at fanfiction, I can try that, but I thought this may give you a way to relay thoughts....

1. What is the one thing you are most looking forward to in the story (ie. the wedding, more coworker reaction, etc.) How can we make that be everything you are looking forward to?

2. Is there anything that you think we can improve upon in the story to make it more enjoyable. If there is, please explain what we can do to make it better - if you aren't sure about how to fix it, that's okay - it's just giving a suggestion to fix a problem usually makes it easier to figure out how to do so.

3. What is your favorite thing about the story? Least favorite thing? Or what do you want to see happen? Not see happen? (kinda an opportunity to vent about anything here)

4. We are discussing a sequel for when this eventually finishes. I know there was a short conversation about what that would entail in one of the response discussions but I'm not sure everyone reads the responses...So, what are your thoughts on that. What should it include? What would you like to see happen? How far in the future should it start? End?
Saying that, I'd like to clarify that we do have this story completely outlined as to the main events. So if you were to say a sequel should start at an event that actually is in this story, that won't work, but we're trying to think of ideas. And saying something may even help us round out the last half of this story.

Ok, I think that's all I can think to ask. Really, the questions are a guide of some things we were wondering about. Thoughts/opinions/whatever can be mentioned :)
