The Game of Life

Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Response to discussion posts

Dear Readers,

First, like I said in the chapter, when Christi started as my beta, we began talking about the story and where we wanted it to end, the first thing we agreed on is that stopping with the wedding was way too cliché. So while I won't say where it's ending, I promise it's not with the wedding.

Second, someone was worried that we would change what we have planned based on your suggestions. In a way, we will, but in another, we won't. Your suggestions for major plot events (such as if someone says 'please kill off Logan,' of course we wouldn't) will only be considered if that's the way we were going to begin with. We have decided on an outline for the fic, with major events laid out, so those won't be changing without a lot of thought. Like if someone says something should happen a certain way and we already have that happening a different way, we may consider changing if the suggestion is better. That being said, there are a lot of smaller things we haven't decided, for example some future chapters all we have written for a scene is 'show Rory/Logan at work,' but beyond that haven't thought much about what that scene will entail.

My point is to thank you for all the ideas you posted because they were what we were looking for, but also if you ever have more ideas in the future send us a PM/email/post and let us know. It can be anything: something you want to see happen, a topic you want to see discussed (even if it seems random), something that seems unanswered, or an explanation you were confused by, let us know because those are things we can add in. I also know some people asked to see more of certain characters (besides the main 6) and that's something else we keep that in mind when looking at unplanned scenes. To give you an example, Christi was watching Attach of the Clones during the writing of Ch. 30 and suggested a Yoda reference as a way to get away from the wedding planning discussion. So something seemingly random could in fact be just what we're looking for.

~ Lynn

Monday, February 12, 2007

Ch. 30 - Shira's dress

Shira's black dress option

Shira's red dress option

Ch. 30 - Lorelai's dress

Lorelai's dress

Lorelai's joke dress

Ch. 30 - Emily's dress

Emily's dress

Ch. 30 - wedding invitations

final invitation choice

Emily's suggestion

Shira's suggestion

Lorelai's choice

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Discussion part deux

You all gave us some great ideas when we asked for feedback. As a follow up to that, we have two questions for now. We'll probably have more later - can't ask too many at once anyways.
  1. Someone mentioned wanting to see the town meeting where Logan was interrogated to see if he was suitable for Rory (it was mentioned in Ch. 5). Do any of you have ideas for questions the town could ask Logan during the interrogation. It seems like a good idea to add, but we can't come up with that many good questions.
  2. Another person mentioned that they missed Rory and Logan having random conversations and banter like we had earlier in the story. Does anyone have a topic you think would be interesting for them to discuss in length? I mean we had Rory and Finn discusss central american politics randomly so really anything you'd be interesting in seeing would be appreciated.

Thanks for all your help. You'd be surprised how much feedback helps. Sometimes you make a suggestion and we read it and it sparks a thought from one of us that makes it in the story even.